10 Frequently Asked Questions of the ELDOA™ Certification Courses


I’ve been getting asked a lot of questions this summer about the ELDOA Certification Courses.

I thought that it would be helpful to jot down all of the questions I’ve fielded lately in the form of a blog, so that it may be helpful to you. 

As a small business owner and teacher, I have always been a major proponent of acquiring and enhancing my set of skills with quality education, not only to make me a better entrepreneur, but a more well-rounded teacher capable of effecting change. 

Is it worth the investment? 


Investing it back into your practice will not only benefit your clients – but your business in the long run by having a more robust service offering with an exercise method like no other that offers a deep lasting change in your body structure.

By taking on this training, you’re acquiring a new tool that:

  • Helps people with back pain, better than any other method
  • Targets a joint with amazing specificity, to create space at a spinal level
  • Integrates so well with whatever you teach, spinal awareness is key for all
  • Increases the effectiveness of your manual treatments; the client continues to work with the fascial remodeling post treatment to free restrictions

How would this benefit my clients and I? 

I absolutely love Guy VOYER’s overriding golden rule: “You are your own best therapist.”

I truly believe this philosophy is what the ELDOA course is, to its core. The goal is to be able to encourage your clients to do these exercises at home and to take complete ownership of their health or recovery. I’ve seen teachers use this method to enhance their practice, to strengthen the relationships with their clients, to offer profound changes and to offer ELDOA as a stand-alone class.

The bottom line is that through ELDOA, you’re giving your clients the most effective tools so they can take complete ownership of their health. Who wouldn’t want to learn from a teacher that has that skill?

Do I need to do all the ELDOA Certification Levels 1-6? 

No. You can decide to just take ELDOA Level1 and learn the 4 most frequently taught ELDOAs, which will make a huge difference in your life and for your clients’. The feedback that I get from new teachers is that once you start to experience it in your own body, your demeanour starts to change, and you feel more relaxed and excited to learn more!

Do I need to have any experience with ELDOA to take the course? 

No experience is necessary!

The Level 1-3 courses are designed with 80% practical and 20% theory – so there’s a lot of time for you to practice the postures and start incorporating it in your body. This build up gives you a better sense of the movements, where restrictions are and how you can articulate these postures to your clients.

The anatomy and biomechanics is kept at an entry level for ELDOA1 and continues to build in intensity with each level.

What happens when I choose to do ELDOA Levels 2-6? Is there a certificate?

Here’s a quick overview on what each level will entail.

  • ELDOA 2 | Spine C2-S1: This level will give you the remaining 19 levels of the spine, you will have much more to work with. Your understanding of the method deepens and organic “aha” moments start to happen more frequently, you are really starting to get the method. Designation: ELDOA™ Student-Practitioner
  • ELDOA 3 | Hips, Shoulders, Ribs: I like to think of this as the ‘icing on the cake’ – this is where it gets really exciting. Learning about the ELDOAs for the hip, shoulders, and ribcage takes the ELDOA techniques to a new level!. Let’s say you take it this far [ELDOA levels 1-3] you will have a very good arsenal of tools. Designation: ELDOA™ Student Practitioner.
  • ELDOA 4 | SIJ, Sacrum: There is a practical and written exam in this level with Guy VOYER. And upon successful completion, you are anELDOA™ Trainer and you will be listed on the ELDOA.com website!
  • ELDOA 5 & 6: These are very high-level courses – pathologies and special ELDOAs – and as you continue to these levels, your passion for this method is unbeatable. Upon completing, you are an ELDOA™ Therapist!

How long will this take me? 

Guy VOYER has structured the full 6 levels to be completed within a 3-year period – but of course, you can decide to take longer.

If you decide to take levels 1-3, you can finish it all within 1 year! You do need time to digest and work with the postures in your own body and also with clients, but you would be amazed at how far you can come in 12 months!

Won’t it be hard to market since ELDOA is not well known?

Good things take time.

I introduced it to my clients gradually. I would add in a few ELDOAs to Pilates classes and private sessions, and people reacted so positively to them that the ELDOA classes developed organically! And now there are just as many ELDOA as Pilates classes happening in my studio!

With that being said, more information is trickling down from professional athletes using the method to doctors recommending it to their patients. Carolina Panthers running back Christian McCaffrey does ELDOA, Professional Golfer, Ben Crane starts his morning with that method and Winnipeg Jets goaltender, Connor Hellebuyck saw his game make an incredible transformation with the help of the ELDOAs.

In the next few years, this method will be hot and everyone will want to experience it! It’s just a matter of time – and being on the forefront of a powerful new exercise movement is pretty cool!

I have a rotator cuff injury; can I still attend the course? 

There are always modifications that can be made. It’s always good to remember that no one body is exact, and no perfect recipes are given. You learn how to teach the body in front of you.

What types of people attend the training?

The incredible thing is that so many different teachers can benefit from this. I’ve taught massage therapists, pilates instructors, movement educators, yoga instructors, personal trainers, athletic coaches and Osteopaths.

They take what they learned during the course and incorporate it into what they do with their clients either at the end of a session or during. They also help their clients program it into their everyday life, to start and end their day or to help alleviate the rigors of sitting at a desk all day. 

Instead of taking the course, can I attend group classes and book private sessions and learn the method that way? 

You can definitely join classes and take private sessions! Both are super beneficial so that you begin to embody the method and witness the changes first hand.

However, it will be important for you to enrol in the ELDOA courses if you wish to teach your clients! The learning that happens in the courses is key – you learn the proper technique for teaching these postures. Without the proper training, the method is compromised and the results are not achieved.    


If you’re looking for even more information, you can check out this blog, “What is ELDOA?,” or “What to Expect From The ELDOA Course?”

Petra Baethmann